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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , March 24 , 2012
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Boinky, Kristy or Quake: What, another five?

Time to shake your ship!

Great, more wood!

There isn't any wheat, is there?

Toaster: No, since that only enters the game on sixes and twos...

Boinky, Kristy or Quake: Whose turn is it now?

You must fight!

Okay, here's a city made mostly of wool...

Bother, we should have played with food stamps!

Toaster: If one of you could take the three cards from my left and the second and third from the right...

Boinky, Kristy or Quake: Not another city!?

Toaster: No, a star port!

Boinky, Kristy or Quake: Did we have to play with all 17 expansions?

Boinky, Kristy or Quake: Eight? I get nothing.

I get three... no, Qoink, the robber's there.

Yeah, so I just get a tree...

Toaster: Could one of you hand me two stone, a tree, a carbon and a beryllium?

Boinky, Kristy and Quake: Waa!

Final score of Catan: Toaster 20, Kristy 13, Quake 11, Boinky 9.

Remaining crew retreats to hibernation in disgust.

(Technically at least one crew member should remain awake, but what could go wrong?)

Ship now re-entering Hilbert space

Hopefully we'll gain on the toasts with this jump.

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