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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , August 1 , 2012
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Slot Control Penguin: If you don't want to wait to see the Eggplants, we could always drop you off...
Falling into a star, wasn't it?

Ah, fair enough...

Kristy: So, when will be able to see these, er, wonderful Eggplants?

Oink: (Hail the eggplants?)

Slot Control Penguin: Well, they are busy vegetables.
It might be best to plan on a few days. Maybe a week.

Kristy: Sigh...

Okay, we'll pack and let you know when we're ready.

Kristy: “Zeggpold's ship” out.

Slot Control Penguin: Roger that.

Oink: Bother. Where are those magnetic sandals?

Kristy: Toaster, will you be okay on your own?

Toaster: Given that there's nothing to do, I think I can manage...

Kristy: Great. Let's go, Oink.

Kristy: Okay, we're all packed and you've got all the forms, right?

So, are you all set to go see these Eggplants, Oink?

Oink: Not really, but I probably won't get any readier...

Kristy: Okay, let's get going.

Oink: Why do I have to carry all the forms?

Kristy: Oh, hush, that penguin said you can check them once we're off the ship.

Oink: Yeah, but the “bag check toaster”...? what's that?

Kristy: We'll find out!

Here we go!

Airlock door: Pressure equalized

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