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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , May 24 , 2013
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Eggplants: Let's see... You're the pigs with the odd spaceship.

Kristy: Er, your spaceship is shaped like a toaster...

Kristy: Why do you say ours is odd?

Eggplants: Well, it does run on (ugh) breakfast cereal.

Oink: Yes, Quisp™ slightly sweetened cereal.

I don't suppose there are any Quisp mines nearby?

Eggplants: We aren't familiar with such a thing.

We will have some of our Associated Animals investigate nearby planets.

Kristy: By the way, why do you call them “Associated Animals”?

Eggplants: Well, they are animals who are associated with us Eggplants.

The name seemed sensible.

Eggplants: Other plants have different ideas.

There are those trees who call their animals “Corvill” or something.

They also call then dragons...

Though they're mostly some kind of monkey...

Chili: Er, your Auberginities?

Eggplants: We really should talk to them about that.

Though they did have some good ideas...

Like “Protect the Tree”

But we digress.

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