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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , October 16 , 2013
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Kristy: If you two lovebirds are done with the comic...

Oink: Huh?

Chili: There aren't any birds!

Eggplants: It is alright. The comic has useful information for animals.

Please take it with you and examine it later.

Oink: Ah, sure. Thank you.

Eggplants: Now then. Animals may not be aware that we Eggplants have been defending them against a vicious enemy.

They are called “Eggrolls”. (Please do not be confused.)

Oink: I'm sure we're all very grateful, your Eggplantnesses.

Eggplants: In connection with this, we would now require assistance from you animals.

Chili: Certainly, please allow us to help you noble Eggplants!

Kristy: Hang on, before we agree on anything, we need to know what you want us to do.

Eggplants: We will explain.

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