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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , April 4 , 2014
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Rutabaga based on Krizas Trash Turnip, released under the CC-BY license.

Planet Plum played by planet “RS 8409-1792-7-197777-27 9” from Space Engine 0.97.1, which also procided the stars.

Oink: Let's see... Ah, here it is.

VSEs: “This is not an Eggplant”, “Ceci n'est pas un Aubergine”, etc.

Kristy: What!? That's it? “This is not an Eggplant”?

Chili: But, Well, it's bright, isn't it...

Oink: And it's multilingual...

Ah, incoming transmission...

Yellow Perch Squadron Leader: Attention, Teal Wombat squadron. This is Yellow Perch squadron.

Chili: Wrong frequency, correcting.

Yellow Perch Squadron Leader: Your long range communications system is out. Proceed to leaf entry, bay 2B.

We will take over on patrol.

Oink: Ah, Teal... Wombat?

It works?

Kristy: That didn't sound like a robot voice.

Chili: Robots are sneaky. But we are also...

Chili: Yellow Peach, Teal Mongoose. {Beep}, Zqwzxy undersquakZ.

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