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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , August 2 , 2014
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Chief Potato 646: Did anyone here win?

Potato 646: No?

Too bad. Well, continue to work.

Oink Zeggpold: What did you have, chili?

Chili Tougarashi: Umm, it was dragon fruit.

Um, excuse me. is there a changing room?

Ducktaur: If privacy is needful, the animal changing room is yonder.

Chili: Um, men and women together?

Ducktaur: Yes, this is the way of things.

Chili: It's a little iffy...

Kristy Shipp: C'mon, Tougarashi.

When in the sheep, do as the, er, sheepians.

Kristy: Besides, we did it your way, er, before...

Hili: But, Pilot Shipp...


Kristy: Oh, I see... In that case...

Kristy: Ah, Oink. Form 6, Please.

Oink: Form 6? Ah, of course. That is, form 4/A.

Oink: Excuse me, Chief Potato...

Chili: Thank you, Pilot Shipp... It's a bit hot, because of the fur, so...

Kristy: Er, well, ...

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