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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Thursday , July 23 , 2015
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Oink: Uh-oh, they're not the only ones going through!

Kirsty: Ack, you're right! Duck!

Oink: It is Flying, Bit it's really more of an Eggplant...

Kristy: Oh, hush.

Kristy: Say, where did Morathi and that cat go?

Oh, no, they must be in the Vegetable Carrier.

Hey, wait!

Kristy: !@#$%&!

They're gone!

Oink: Maybe they're also going to the Miss Sheep contest!

If we climb through the hole..

Kirsty: Ah, Oink, be careful...


Oink: Waaa~!

Kristy: Urk!

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