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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , July 2 , 2016
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Kristy: If it's off, why can I still hear that song!

Finn: Everything is lost Now,

Ah, it's Miss Minmey's voice.

Miss Minmey's fighter has Hyperspace Speakers.

Finn: It's like a drought, a drought of love!

Oink: Eh? Hyperspace Speakers?

What's that?

Finn: Good-Bye, Good-Bye,

A long sayonara!

Chili: Those make it so even if there's no radio, if you're in space...

You can talk to people in other ships.

You can sing, too.

Oink: Oh, that must be rare equipment.

Kristy: No, all VSE-27's have them.

Let's see...

Amplifier mode”? Huh?

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