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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , September 20 , 2016
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Eggplants: Don't forget it's the Feast of Honors today.

(It's still not a Quintidi.)

But perhaps we should announce some honors...

Er, let's see...

“Food {UGH} least likely to offend the Noble and magnificent Rotating Eggplants of Doom”...

The envelope please...

wow! In a surprise, it's not toast but Hollistons™ Soup!

(Rumors that this is connected to some recent payments to us eggplants from the Hollistons™ soup company....

(...or that we reuse jokes...)

...are not something any animal who wants to remain healthy should be spreading.)

While waiting for the comic, have some Toast.

Er, soup. Hollistons™ soup. They're working on a toast soup...

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