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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , December 5 , 2016
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Oink: Ah, but how do we get there...

Plum: We plums will be glad to assist!

Hang on!

Oink: Ah, Zero-G travel.

Eggplants: For conspicuous bravery in searching for certain missing Associated Animals...

And furthermore, for cleverly turning on their hyperspace speakers...

allowing the noble Rotating Eggplants to hear the singing...

Kristy: Ah-Ha!

Oink: Wow! A Hollistomatic™ 714 Toaster!

I can start that toaster collection with a very rare model!

Kristy: Hm, an Appointment as “Pilot/Animal” in the Associated Animals...

And, more interesting, a replica key from Cardcaptor Sakana!

Vegetable: Er, not exactly a replica...

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