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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , January 14 , 2017
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Kristy: Ah, Lt. La Pine. Have you seen Bureaucrat Zeggpold? I need to update him on our departure.

La Pine: I think he's in single-purpose room 2.

Single Purpose Room 2

Kristy: Er, Mr Oink. I apologize.

Oink: Uh? Why?

Kristy: Well, when I saw you and Ms Shipp for the first time, I though you were a cute couple...

Oink: Hang on... Kristy? and me?

Oink: Mffp. (Giggle.)

Oink: Ha Ha HA!

Oink: Seriously, that's not going to happen.

Kristy: Anyway, I thought if I made Ms Shipp jealous...

Chili: But, I got a little messed up.

Could you forgive me?

Oink: Of course.

But about that kiss...

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