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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , May 14 , 2017
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Sam: Blah blah blah form 811/J blah blah form 497/N blah blah blah

Blah blah blah Form 604/E blah blah Form 963/H blah blah blah

And don't let's have a good turn out for the “Toast Walk”. We don't want the cats to show us up, right? So no Forms 565/N please.

Tap tap tap

Cat Commander: And in regards to Form O-537

...must be filled out in triplicate...

Oink: (It was clever of you to get the communicators...)

Kristy: (I just noticed them being thrown out, that's all.)

Cat Commander: Oh, one more thing. Due to a paperwork error, we actually have one more feline crew member.

Sue E. Pigg: Typical qat incompetence.

Can't get their forms right!

Boinky: Didn't you have a prior distribution? Ha Ha!

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