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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , February 13 , 2012
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Toaster: Despite the qats' claims, sensors show that some of the pigs in suspeneded animation are dreaming.

Although the readings are a little strange...


Characters from top right (art by me except as mentioned):

  • Oink (in carrot suit) with Oni.
  • Oink's trotter, holding chopsticks.
  • Oink and Silvermoon (Art by PA artist Oni).
  • Oink with Timon (juggling) and Tash (with bread).
  • Chibi Oink (turning into a hamster?).
  • Oink as flying pig (Two of Wands) (Art by Karol Luis).
  • Oink with Zendo; inset: Zendo in battle tutu.
  • Oink as Pigg Fatt.
  • Oink (as Dr Zeggpold, Watson to Kristy Shipp) with Jeri Kleinlowe. (Art by PA artist Denise, from Fragment Adventure Card. Center image by PA artist Oni (from Oink's PA card).

    Characters copyright by their players. Apologies to Oink's many friends who I didn't have appropriate images for.

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