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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , November 5 , 2012
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Chili: Well, please go that way.

Turn into this corridor...

Kristy: This is a shortcut?

Chili: Well, it is a big toaster.

Ah, up these stairs.

Chili: Bother! I forgot about the door.

Oink: Um, Is it locked?

Chili: Not quite, but it's a bit of a nuisance

Chili: The Eggplants worry about us animals,

Since we can't see thru doors.

Recorded announcement: Warning! Door opening!

Kristy: Wait-The eggplants can see through doors?

Chili: Of course! Since they don't have eyes...

Recorded announcement: Animals, stand clear!

Chili: Ah, it's open!

Kristy: Um, so you're saying that since the Eggplants don't have eyes, they can see thru doors?

Chili: Since they don't have eyes, they must see a different way, right? Besides, we know they can see thru doors.

Eggplantologists are researching on it now, but as yet they don't understand very much.

Kristy: Couldn't you just ask the Eggplants?

Chili: We don't want to bother the Eggplants.

Besides, it's more fun to figure it out ourselves.

Recorded announcement: Warning! Door opening! Animals stand clear!

Oink: Hey, look, Kristy! A bookshop!

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