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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , November 25 , 2012
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Happy Day of the Pig, everyone!

Oink: Hey, Kristy, now that you mention it, all these shops are closed!

Kristy: You're right! Hey, Cat! Why is everything closed?

Is there a recession or something?

Oink: Maybe a holiday in our honor?

Chili: What? Sorry, I was engrossed in the latest Fault creations.

Well, no, it's the middle of the night...

Kristy: I suppose we can't expect everywhere to be on Bergland Standard Time.

Oink: True. Chili, what's the local time now?

Chili: Just about 0.87.

Oink: Ah, 0.87?

Chili: That didn't translate either? Odd. Well, the Eggplants measure time from a “Standard Dawn”; now is 0.87 of a day since then.

Kristy: Let's see--if we take dawn as 6am, it's almost 3am. how long is one day?

Chili: Ah--1.0 days. There aren't any smaller units...

Kristy: Hmm, that's going to be difficult.

If I set my watch to 2:53AM... Let's see...

Oink: I suppose we'll have to wait for breakfast, huh?

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