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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , November 25 , 2013
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Eggplants: We will lend each of you animals a very small spaceship.

With these, you will travel to the eggroll.

Oink: Is the eggroll a restaurant? That's a good plan...

Eggplants: No, no! It's the spaceship called an eggroll!

Oink: It is? Too bad. I'm a bit hun—

Kristy: Oink! Shut up!

Oink: Oops, sorry. I forgot...

Eggplants: Ahem. Do the Animals have any questions?

Chili: Your Eggplantships, I'm worried. If we get lost, what should we do?

Eggplants: Your ships will be equipped with electronic maps, so you can't get lost.

Kristy: How did I get mixed up in this?

Eggplants: Animals should refrain from complaints.

we will continue with the briefing. First, there are some additional animals who are missing...

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