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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Thursday , December 5 , 2013
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Chili: That was a very detailed explanation.

Kristy: Well, really, all it amounts to is that the Eggroll is shaped like a rutabaga.

Chili: Also the robots!

Oink: True, but it seems even the Eggplants don't seem to know that much about the robots.

Kristy: And what about the animals that might be “awake”?

Chili: I'm not sure. It's something the Eggplants often say.

Sign: Toast

Kristy: Anyway, why do you think the Eggplants aren't coming with us?

Chili: They explained! There are technical reasons.

Oink: That's a little vague, but I'm sure they have good reasons.

Maybe related to the time anomalies they mentioned.

Kristy: Right, “Chronoton radiation”.

Anyway, we leave as soon as we get to the planet “Blueberry”...

Oink, will you be okay piloting your own VSE-1?

Chili: I'm sure Mr Oink is a skilled pilot!

Oink: Well, um... I'll try my best...

Kristy: We've got a couple of days, so you can practice.

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