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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , May 14 , 2014
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Potato 646: There is no excuse, but we are not your usual ground crew.

I am Potato Six Hundred Forty-Six.

I am the crew chief. Eos, my assistant.

Oink: Er, I see..

Eos: Pleased to meet you.

Oink: I'm Bureaucrat Zeggpold. Um, er, pleased to meet you.

Potato 646: No, no, we should say so.

Eos: Ah, your colleagues are coming.

Er, they're moving rather stiffly...

Kristy: Beep, beep.

Chili: Beep.

Potato 646: Are they unwell? Shall I summon a physician?

Oink: Er, no, no, I think they're fine, thank you, ah...

Eos: May I take that for you?

Oink: Er, Kristy, Chili, these are Chief Potato #646 and Eos.

They are Teal Mongoose's substitute ground crew.

Chili: They aren't robots?

Kristy: Obviously.

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