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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , May 24 , 2014
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Announcement: Imowa henkeito taiki shiro. Go fun ato des'.

Oink: Eh, What's that?

Potato #646: Nothing important. Just a trifling announcement.

Please take no notice of it.

Potato #646: Incidentally, have you customers received your lottery tickets?

No? Ms Eos, please dispense them to the customers. Quickly!

Eos: Of course, Chief Potato #646. The next change could be any moment.

Eos: Here you are, one each.

Please retain the ticket until the next transformation.

Oink: Eh?


Eos: It may seem unlikely, but all shapes are possible.

Announcement: Henkei des'! Henkei o shimas'!

Anzen sh'te kudasai!

Eos: Wow, just in the nick of time!

Hang on to your tickets! And the wall!

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