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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , December 15 , 2014
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Chili: Uh? I can't understand it. Oh, Wait, the letters are changing...

Finn: It's like the old high, er, language field back on the, ah, appliance...


Our Spaceship now looks like a sheep...

So we Sheep have decided to have a singing contest!

To celebrate the beginning of the Age of the Sheep, we Sheep are holding a singing contest called the “Miss Sheep Contest”!

Sheep will be the judges. Aside from sheep, everyone else can participate in the contest.

The winner of the last age's “Miss Turnip” contest, the Galactic Elephant Sheryl, will present the grand prize!

The Finals will be held in the Purple Vegetable Memorial Auditorium on the January 10th of the first Year of the Sheep. They will also be viewable on Sheep-wide television for those unable to attend in person.

Singers can apply for the contest at the Sheep office on level 9, room 26, by Jan. 5th, 3rd watch-4 bells.

Everyone, have fun and try your hardest!

A Message from the Head Sheep

Everyone, please look forward to the Miss Sheep Contest!

Life forms who can sing, please hurry and enter the contest.

Other creatures, please come to see the contest finals. And, Sheep, make sure to come and be judges!

Thank you all!

This event has been APPROVED by the Potato Captain


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