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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Thursday , December 25 , 2014
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Fred: I'll be setting up the new Era of the Sheep tree if you want to be watching.

Chili: Um, A tree?

Fred: Don't worry, it's artificial. “No real trees were harmed...” and all that.

Oink: Look, Kristy, it's like a Q tree.

Kristy: But with sheep... and are those cans of soup?

Oink: Why soup?

Kitchen rabbit: Well, it's an old tradition from the boss's country..

Of course, the sheep are for the new epoch of the sheep...

Chili & Finn: Deck us all with Boston Charlie...

Fred: I'm recognizing the tune, but those aren't the words! It's...

Bark us all bow wows of follies!

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