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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , April 24 , 2015
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Chili: Yesterday, we visited a flock of penguins.

We met at the same restaurant we all ate at the other day!

Chili: The penguins were wearing odd caps...

Finn: Greetings, fellow penguins!

Chili: Since I'd met the penguins before...

I introduced them and Finn.

Finn: Er, so, you guys are just called “The Penguin Flock”?

Penguin: Really, it's a nick name. The full name is “Eggplant Cap Penguin Flock”

Finn: I see. Are there other flocks?

Another Penguin: Yes, but it seems ours is the most important.

Chili: Sorry, did you say “Eggplant Caps...”

That Penguin: Yes, that's right.

Yet Another Penguin: Before the Potato Wars, the vegetables called the Rotating Eggplants of Doom gave the caps to our predecessors.

Chili: The Potato Wars? Is that so.

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