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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , May 4 , 2015
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Finn: Er, most, ah, creatures don't mention the, ah, purple vegetables.

Penguin: Go to the memorial and you'll understand.

Another penguin: But we still believe!

Chili: By the way, your caps... I saw one like them at Zakuro's shop.

Yet another penguin: Really? Interesting. All of ours are in use...

Chili: Have to rush!

But, Oink, make sure to bring Kristy to the party!

Oink: “...because there's a cute cat-boy I want to introduce her to. Zoop, zoop, your Chili-kins”

Beet: These are your tickets for the Potato Wars Exhibit, pilots.

Kristy: Thank you.

“Chili-kins”, huh.

C'mon, oink, let's move.

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