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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , March 5 , 2014
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Eggroll (Rutabaga) based on Krizas Trash Turnip, released under the CC-BY license.

Planet Plum played by planet “RS 8409-1792-7-197777-27 9” from Space Engine 0.97.1, which also procided the stars.

Definitely NOT another “soup” page

Eggplants: In fact, it is an Animal Service Announcement, from your beloved friends, The Rotating Eggplants of Doom™!

Some animals may be confused, so we would like to make it clear:

Eggplants Are Not Eggrolls!

∙ Attractive purple or white with green trim
∙ Pleasing ovoid shape
∙ Rotating

∙ Various bizarre colors and odd shapes
∙ Generally non-Rotating

This chart may help!

Animals, please take note!

Eggplants = US = GOOD
Eggrolls = BAD

Holliston Soup Company denies all knowledge of this page.
Eat soup anyway.

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