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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , March 15 , 2014
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Rutabaga based on Krizas Trash Turnip, released under the CC-BY license.

Planet Plum played by planet “RS 8409-1792-7-197777-27 9” from Space Engine 0.97.1, which also procided the stars.

Kristy: Hmm, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Chili: That's what I told you.

Oink: By the way, what's this “Hyperspace speakers” button?

Chili: Oink! Don't push that!

Kristy: Yeah, it would broadcast our singing all over the system.

One of those wacky things you run into working for Eggplants.

Hmm, Chekhov brand.

I didn't know they made speakers.

Chili: Anyway, how do you like working for the Eggplants?

Kristy: Not so bad. Though I do have to associate with cats...

Chili: Waaa!

Oink: Really, Kristy!

Oink: It's best to ignore Kristy when she's like this, Chili.

Chili: No, the meaning of “Waa!” here is “Watch out! huge spaceship!”

Kristy: Waa~! Meaning, “She's right”.

It's the Rutabaga.

Chili: The robots moved the Rutabaga space ship, didn't they.

Oink: It's bigger than I thought!

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