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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , July 13 , 2014
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Assistant: Actually, it's this bit they didn't like...

Sailor Pig: Oh, yes, and thank you for your help as well, Sailor Cat.

Sailor Cat: Glad to be of use, Sailor Pig!

Editor: Huh?

What don't they like about that?

Assistant: Let's see... Section 403-A “material likely to aggrevate interspecies relations.”

Editor: I see... and what do they “suggest”?

Oink: See? “suggest”!

Assistant: “Reduce physical contact. Perhaps a wave would suffice.”

Editor: No chance of getting Los Bros. Furutanis to do that in the next, um, thirty-seven minutes, I suppose?

Assistant: Ah, no, since they're on Mars accepting that award...

Editor: Oh, right... well, how about if we run those pinups...

Can you work up something about them getting the award, Jenny?

Assistant: No problem, Boss.

We already wrote up something for next issue, but...

What about the other twelve pages?

<and the winners are...>

Assistant: {sigh}

Well, let's see what we can do.

Slush Editor: Hello, Slush Desk.

Editor: This is Editor Aubergine...

Slush Editor: What can I do for you, sir?

Editor: Do you have anything, ah, twelve pages long that's already been approved by the censors?

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