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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , January 14 , 2015
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Finn: Ah, the pigs! Ah, how nice, you brought us extra desserts!

Oink: Er, well, actually...

Chili: it's okay...

Chili: Sorry, but it's time for us to go.

Finn: We're off to enter the “Miss Sheep” Contest.

Sorry to eat and run.

Oink: Er, “Miss Sheep”?

Kristy: Um, seems to be a singing contest.

Kristy: Odd. It's dated the 2nd.

If the dates count from the Transformation, surely it would still be the First.

Fred: I couldn't help overhearing, Pilots.

Fred: It's that while you were on patrol, the Temporal Compensators went out.

So time will be running differently in different places.

Oink: So it's already the second...

Oink: and evening at that.

Kristy: The museum will probably be closed.

Fred: That depends on what the time would be there.

We can check; if they're closed, I have rooms you Pilots can use downstairs.

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