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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , May 24 , 2015
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Oink: Ah, there's a sign. “The Potato Wars: -8,9946 to -288”. Um, no units, so...

Kristy: Wow, there's a lot of stuff here! Keep reading while I look around.

Oink: “This titanic war between the potatoes and the enemies of the potatoes devastated the entire galaxy...”

Kristy: Hmmm...

Caption: Associated animal training, Claude Mango, ca. -3500, Pressionists School

Oink: “This titanic struggle between two related vegetable species tore the galaxy apart and eventually destroyed all life in the universe, aside from our village community.”

Kristy: Eh, it really says that?

Potato FANFARE Cover courtesy of Zakuro's STAR STUFF. Zakuro gives a date of ca. 1655,0000*

*The Museum staff would like to point out that Potato FANFARE ceased publication before the end of the Potato Wars, so ca. -1000 is more likely.

Oink: Yes, but I doubt it...

Kristy: Really, just because we're not from here

Untitled (Noble Guardian series) Imo school ca -7,4519

Oink: Duh, but if the Potatoes think that, why are there all these patrols?

Kristy: Hmm, good question.

Maybe they're worried about robots, too, like, ah...

Passer-by: Excuse us, but...

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