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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , September 1 , 2015
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Kristy: Hmm, I don't see any large Eggplants...

Just the plush sheep decorations.

Oink: Maybe Morathi's group isn't here.

Kristy: Should we leave and...

Oink: Too late! It's starting!

MC: Hello, everyone! I'm Hanten Inu!


MC: Thank you, and welcome to the Miss Sheep Contest!


MC: First, let's have a warm welcome for the leader of the sheep, president Forystufe F. Hitsuji!

(Applause!) Baa! Baa!

Head sheep: Thank you, Ms Inu!

Head Sheep: Thank you, creatures, for attending the contest! And leg to leg on Television!

Head sheep: Now, on with the show!

MC: Thank you, President Hitsuji.

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