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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , September 26 , 2015
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Cabbage: I wanna hold your paw!

I wanna hold your paw!

Finn: I need your love!

I'm a broken rose!

Oh sprout, help me from frozen pain...

Strawberry bush: She'll just tell you that she came...

In the Year of the Sheep!

Kristy: Odd.. The animals all sing about plants...

Oink: Yes, and vice versa...

Chili: I'd like to dedicate this medley to a special pig who's in the audience...

Spotlight, please!

Oink: Urk?

Kristy: I knew it would be you!

Other pig: That's the boyfriend?

Another pig: It looks like it!

Yet another pig: He's certainly blushing!

Kristy: Now, Oink, don't hide!

Oink: Oh, Hush!

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