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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , May 13 , 2012
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Oink: AARGH!

Toaster: See—very dramatic!

You come in and see the star we're falling into!

The scream was a nice touch!

Oink: What happened?

Toaster: Remember they said there was a one in a million chance of coming out of Hilbert space this close to a star?
Well, it seems to have happened...

Oink: Help! Er, communications panel—broadcast on all channels! Shrove Tuesday! Shrove Tuesday!

Toaster: You mean “Mayday”, and I did that already.

Oink: Power's on full already. What did you want me for?

Toaster: I was hoping for one of those animal flashes of inspiration...

Oink: Er, we could reverse the polarity.

Toaster: Reverse the polarity of what?

Oink: Um...

Well, sensible inspiration is more Kristy's style than mine...

Toaster: I'll wake her next, but it will take a while..

Oink: Why is it so qatting hot?

Toaster: A/C power is diverted to the engines...

But it's not going to be enough.

Oink: So I see... but if we divert power to the Hilbert drive,

We'll fall into the star before we could make the jump.

Toaster: Yup. I plotted an escape orbit, but we'd get way too close to the star..

Basically, we're doomed!

Oink: No, wait...

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